Abteilung der Banken
Die Division of Banks ist eine Bundeswahlabteilung für das australische Repräsentantenhaus im Bundesstaat New South Wales. Sie wurde 1949 eingerichtet. Sie ist nach Sir Joseph Banks benannt, dem britischen Wissenschaftler, der James Cook 1770 auf seiner Reise nach Australien begleitete.
Die Abteilung Banken umfasst die südwestlichen Vororte von Sydney. Sie umfasst Allawah, Blakehurst, Connells Point, Hurstville, Hurstville Grove, South Hurstville, Kyle Bay, Lugarno, Mortdale, Oatley, Padstow Heights, Peakhurst, Peakhurst Heights und Penshurst sowie Teile von Bankstown, Beverly Hills, Carlton, Kingsgrove, Narwee, Padstow, Punchbowl, Revesby und Riverwood.

Sir Joseph Banks
Mitglied | Partei | Begriff | |
| Dominikus Costa | 1949–1969 | |
| Vince Martin | 1969–1980 | |
| John Mountford | 1980–1990 | |
| Daryl Melham | 1990–2013 | |
| David Coleman | Liberale | 2013-heute |
Daryl Melham war von 2004 bis 2012 Vorsitzender des ALP-Ausschusses.
- Wahlergebnisse 2013
- Wahlergebnisse 2010
- Wahlergebnisse 2007
- Wahlergebnisse 2004
Fragen und Antworten
Q: What is the Division of Banks?
A: The Division of Banks is a Federal Electoral Division in the state of New South Wales for the Australian House of Representatives.
Q: Who is the Division of Banks named after?
A: The Division of Banks is named after Sir Joseph Banks, a British scientist who accompanied James Cook on his voyage to Australia in 1770.
Q: When was the Division of Banks set up?
A: The Division of Banks was set up in 1949.
Q: Which areas does the Division of Banks cover?
A: The Division of Banks covers the south-western suburbs of Sydney, including Allawah, Blakehurst, Connells Point, Hurstville, Hurstville Grove, South Hurstville, Kyle Bay, Lugarno, Mortdale, Oatley, Padstow Heights, Peakhurst, Peakhurst Heights, and Penshurst, and parts of Bankstown, Beverly Hills, Carlton, Kingsgrove, Narwee, Padstow, Punchbowl, Revesby and Riverwood.
Q: What is the purpose of the Division of Banks?
A: The purpose of the Division of Banks is to represent the people in the south-western suburbs of Sydney in the Australian House of Representatives.
Q: How often are elections held for the Division of Banks?
A: Elections for the Division of Banks are held every three years.
Q: How can the people in the Division of Banks participate in the election process?
A: People in the Division of Banks can participate in the election process by registering to vote, choosing a candidate to support, and casting their vote on election day.