Division von Chifley
Die Division of Chifley ist eine australische Wahldivision in Neusüdwales. Sie wurde 1969 gegründet und ist nach Ben Chifley benannt, der 1945-49 Premierminister von Australien war. Sie umfasst einige der äußeren westlichen Vorstädte von Sydney, darunter Arndell Park, Bidwill, Blackett, Colebee, Dean Park, Dharruk, Doonside, Emerton, Glendenning, Hassall Grove, Hebersham, Huntingwood, Lethbridge Park, Marayong, Minchinbury, Mount Druitt, Oakhurst, Plumpton, Rooty Hill, Ropes Crossing, Shalvey, Shanes Park, Tregear, Whalan, Willmot, Woodcroft und Teile von Eastern Creek, Blacktown, Quakers Hill, Schofields und Riverstone.

Ben Chifley

Vier der Kandidaten für die Division Chifley bei der Wahl 2007. Es sind (hinten sitzend) Roger Price (ALP), Dave Vincent (CDP), James Cogan (Sozialist) und (stehend) John Forrester (Grüne).
Mitglied | Partei | Begriff | |
| John Armitage | 1969–1983 | |
| Russ Gorman | 1983–1984 | |
| Roger Preis | 1984–2010 | |
| Ed Husic | 2010-heute |
Ed Husic war der erste Muslim, der in das australische Parlament gewählt wurde.
- Wahlergebnisse 2004
- Wahlergebnisse 2007
- Wahlergebnisse 2010
- Wahlergebnisse 2013
Fragen und Antworten
Q: What is the Division of Chifley?
A: The Division of Chifley is an Australian Electoral Division in New South Wales.
Q: When was the Division of Chifley created?
A: The Division of Chifley was created in 1969.
Q: Who was Ben Chifley?
A: Ben Chifley was the Prime Minister of Australia from 1945-1949, and the Division of Chifley is named after him.
Q: What areas does the Division of Chifley cover?
A: The Division of Chifley covers some of the outer western suburbs of Sydney, including Arndell Park, Bidwill, Blackett, Colebee, Dean Park, Dharruk, Doonside, Emerton, Glendenning, Hassall Grove, Hebersham, Huntingwood, Lethbridge Park, Marayong, Minchinbury, Mount Druitt, Oakhurst, Plumpton, Rooty Hill, Ropes Crossing, Shalvey, Shanes Park, Tregear, Whalan, Willmot, Woodcroft, and parts of Eastern Creek, Blacktown, Quakers Hill, Schofields, and Riverstone.
Q: Why is the Division of Chifley named after Ben Chifley?
A: The Division of Chifley is named after Ben Chifley because he was a former Prime Minister of Australia.
Q: What is an electoral division?
A: An electoral division is a geographic region used for voting purposes in Australia, with each division represented by a member in the House of Representatives.
Q: Who is eligible to vote in the Division of Chifley?
A: Australian citizens who are 18 years or older and living in the Division of Chifley are eligible to vote in federal elections for the member of the House of Representatives representing the division.