Deakin (Wahlkreis)
Die Division von Deakin ist eine australische Wahldivision in Victoria. Sie ist nach Alfred Deakin benannt, der dreimal Premierminister von Australien war. Sie wurde 1937 gegründet und erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 70 km2 in den östlichen Vororten von Melbourne. Einst ein ländliches Gebiet, umfasst es heute die Vororte Blackburn, Forest Hill, Mitcham, Nunawading und Ringwood.

Alfred Deakin
Mitglied | Partei | Begriff | |
| William Hutchinson | Vereinigtes Australien | 1937–1944 |
| Liberale | 1944–1949 | |
| Frank Davis | Liberale | 1949–1966 |
| Alan Jarman | Liberale | 1966–1983 |
| John Saunderson | 1983–1984 | |
| Julian Beale | Liberale | 1984–1990 |
| Ken Aldred | Liberale | 1990–1996 |
| Phil Barresi | Liberale | 1996–2007 |
| Mike Symon | 2007–2013 | |
| Michael Sukkar | Liberale | 2013-heute |
- Wahlergebnisse 2004
- Wahlergebnisse 2007
- Wahlergebnisse 2010
- Wahlergebnisse 2013
Fragen und Antworten
Q: What is the Division of Deakin?
A: The Division of Deakin is an Australian Electoral Division located in Victoria.
Q: Who is it named after?
A: It is named after Alfred Deakin, who served as Australia's Prime Minister three times.
Q: When was it established?
A: It was established in 1937.
Q: What is the area covered by the Division of Deakin?
A: It covers an area of 70 km2 in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Q: Which suburbs does it include?
A: It includes Blackburn, Forest Hill, Mitcham, Nunawading, and Ringwood.
Q: Was it always an urban area?
A: No, it was once a rural area before it became an urbanized area.
Q: How many times did Alfred Deakin serve as the Prime Minister of Australia?
A: Alfred Deakin served as Australia's Prime Minister three times.