Division von Hughes
Die Division of Hughes ist eine australische Wahldivision in New South Wales. Sie wurde 1955 gegründet und ist nach Billy Hughes benannt, der 1915-23 Premierminister von Australien war. Sie befindet sich in den südlichen und südwestlichen Vororten von Sydney, darunter Alfords Point, Bangor, Barden Ridge, Chipping Norton, East Hills, Engadine, Hammondville, Holsworthy, Illawong, Loftus, Lucas Heights, Menai, Milperra, Moorebank, Panania, Picnic Point, Revesby, Warwick Farm, Wattle Grove und Woronora sowie Teile von Padstow, Jannali, Liverpool und Sutherland.

Billy Hughes
Mitglied | Partei | Begriff | |
| Les Johnson | 1955–1966 | |
| Don Dobie | Liberale | 1966–1969 |
| Les Johnson | 1969–1984 | |
| Robert Tickner | 1984–1996 | |
| Danna Vale | Liberale | 1996–2010 |
| Craig Kelly | Liberale | 2010-heute |
- Wahlergebnisse 2004
- Wahlergebnisse 2007
- Wahlergebnisse 2010
- Wahlergebnisse 2013
Es gab 1984 eine Nachwahl in Hughes, als Les Johnson zurücktrat, um australischer Hochkommissar für Neuseeland zu werden.
Fragen und Antworten
Q: What is the Division of Hughes?
A: The Division of Hughes is an Australian Electoral Division in New South Wales.
Q: When was the Division of Hughes set up?
A: The Division of Hughes was set up in 1955.
Q: Who is the Division of Hughes named after?
A: The Division of Hughes is named after Billy Hughes, who was Prime Minister of Australia 1915-23.
Q: Which parts of Sydney does the Division of Hughes cover?
A: The Division of Hughes covers the southern and southwestern suburbs of Sydney, including Alfords Point, Bangor, Barden Ridge, Chipping Norton, East Hills, Engadine, Hammondville, Holsworthy, Illawong, Loftus, Lucas Heights, Menai, Milperra, Moorebank, Panania, Picnic Point, Revesby, Warwick Farm, Wattle Grove and Woronora and parts of Padstow, Jannali, Liverpool and Sutherland.
Q: What is the importance of the name "Billy Hughes" in Australian history?
A: Billy Hughes was important in Australian history because he served as Prime Minister of Australia from 1915 to 1923.
Q: What is the purpose of an electoral division?
A: The purpose of an electoral division is to establish a specific geographic area for the purpose of electing a member to the national Parliament.
Q: How many electoral divisions are there in New South Wales?
A: The number of electoral divisions in New South Wales is subject to change, but as of 2021, there are 47 federal electoral divisions.