Division von Rankin
Die Division of Rankin ist eine australische Wahldivision in Queensland. Sie wurde 1984 gegründet und ist nach Annabelle Rankin benannt, der ersten Frau aus Queensland, die in den Senat gewählt wurde.
Rankin liegt in den südlichen Außenbezirken von Brisbane, darunter Algester, Berrinba, Browns Plains, Calamvale, Crestmead, Daisy Hill, Drewvale, Heritage Park, Hillcrest, Kingston, Logan Central, Marsden, Parkinson, Priestdale, Regents Park, Rochedale South, Slacks Creek, Springwood, Underwood und Woodridge.

Annabelle Rankin
Mitglied | Partei | Begriff | |
| David Beddall | 1984–1998 | |
| Craig Emerson | 1998–2013 | |
| Jim Chalmers | 2013-heute |
- Wahlergebnisse 2004
- Wahlergebnisse 2007
- Wahlergebnisse 2010
- Wahlergebnisse 2013
Fragen und Antworten
Q: What is the Division of Rankin?
A: The Division of Rankin is an Australian Electoral Division in Queensland.
Q: When was the Division of Rankin established?
A: The Division of Rankin was established in 1984.
Q: Who is the Division of Rankin named after?
A: The Division of Rankin is named after Annabelle Rankin, the first Queensland woman elected to the Senate.
Q: Which areas are included in the Division of Rankin?
A: The Division of Rankin includes the outer southern suburbs of Brisbane, including Algester, Berrinba, Browns Plains, Calamvale, Crestmead, Daisy Hill, Drewvale, Heritage Park, Hillcrest, Kingston, Logan Central, Marsden, Parkinson, Priestdale, Regents Park, Rochedale South, Slacks Creek, Springwood, Underwood, and Woodridge.
Q: What is the significance of Annabelle Rankin in Queensland's political history?
A: Annabelle Rankin became the first woman from Queensland to be elected to the Senate.
Q: How many electoral divisions are there in Queensland?
A: The number of electoral divisions in Queensland varies depending on population changes, currently Queensland has 30 divisions.
Q: What is the purpose of having electoral divisions in Australia?
A: The purpose of electoral divisions in Australia is to organise voters geographically and ensure a fair and equal representation in the Australian Parliament.