Herzogtum Parma

Das Herzogtum Parma entstand 1545 aus jenem Teil des Herzogtums Mailand südlich des Po, der 1512 vom Kirchenstaat erobert worden war. Diese Gebiete, deren Zentrum die Stadt Parma war, wurden dem unehelichen Sohn von Papst Paul III., Pier Luigi Farnese, als Lehen gegeben. Der Staat wurde ursprünglich von der Familie Farnese regiert, bevor er schließlich durch Erbschaft an das Haus der Bourbonen fiel. Nach der Gründung des Staates Italien im Jahr 1859 wurde das Herzogtum abgeschafft. Bis 1806 war es auch ein Staat des Heiligen Römischen Reiches und hatte verschiedene Verbindungen zu seinem Nachbarn, dem Großherzogtum Toskana.

Fragen und Antworten

Q: When was the Duchy of Parma created and what was its origin?

A: The Duchy of Parma was created in 1545 from the territory south of the Po River that was previously part of the Duchy of Milan and which had been conquered by the State of the Church in 1512.

Q: Who was given the Duchy of Parma as a fief and when?

A: The Duchy of Parma was given as a fief to Pope Paul III's illegitimate son, Pier Luigi Farnese.

Q: Who ruled the Duchy of Parma originally and who eventually claimed the rule?

A: The Duchy of Parma was originally ruled by the Farnese family before eventually falling to the House of Bourbon by inheritance.

Q: When was the Duchy abolished and why?

A: The Duchy of Parma was abolished following the creation of the state of Italy in 1859.

Q: What was the status of the Duchy of Parma in the Holy Roman Empire?

A: The Duchy of Parma was a state of the Holy Roman Empire till 1806.

Q: Did the Duchy of Parma have any association with the Grand Duchy of Tuscany?

A: Yes, the Duchy of Parma had various links with its neighbour, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

Q: What was the main city in the Duchy of Parma?

A: The main city in the Duchy of Parma was Parma.

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