Liste der britischen Vize-Premierminister
Der stellvertretende Premierminister (oder DPM) ist das zweite hochrangige Mitglied des Kabinetts des Vereinigten Königreichs.
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Ländern wird die Position des stellvertretenden Premierministers nicht immer benötigt. Aus diesem Grund gibt es nicht immer einen amtierenden Vizepremierminister. Das bedeutet, dass es dem Premierminister freisteht, ob er einen Stellvertreter haben möchte oder nicht. Das Amt wurde 1942 geschaffen, und Clement Attlee war der erste stellvertretende Premierminister. Seit 2015 gibt es keinen stellvertretenden Premierminister mehr. Die letzte Person, die dieses Amt innehatte, war Nick Clegg.
Nick Clegg war stellvertretender Premierminister von 2010-2015 und ist die letzte Person, die diesen Titel trägt
Liste der stellvertretenden Premierminister
- Clement Attlee (1942-1945)
- Herbert Morrison (1945-1951)
- Anthony Eden (1951-1955)
- Rab Butler (1962-1963)
- Geoffrey Howe (1989-1990)
- Michael Heseltine (1995-1997)
- John Prescott (1997-2007)
- Nick Clegg (2010-2015)
Fragen und Antworten
Q: What is the role of the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
A: The Deputy Prime Minister is the second highest ranking executive officer of the government of the United Kingdom and serves as the deputy chief of the Cabinet.
Q: Is the position of Deputy Prime Minister always filled?
A: No, the Prime Minister has the choice of whether or not to appoint a Deputy Prime Minister, and the position is not always needed.
Q: When was the position of Deputy Prime Minister created?
A: The position of Deputy Prime Minister was created in 1942.
Q: Who was the first Deputy Prime Minister?
A: Clement Attlee was the first Deputy Prime Minister.
Q: Who is currently holding the position of Deputy Prime Minister?
A: Dominic Raab is currently holding the position of Deputy Prime Minister.
Q: Has the position of Deputy Prime Minister been important in the past?
A: Yes, there have been times when the position of Deputy Prime Minister has been very important, such as during the Second World War when it was introduced.
Q: How does the position of Deputy Prime Minister differ from other countries?
A: Unlike other countries, the position of Deputy Prime Minister is not always needed or appointed, and the decision to have a Deputy Prime Minister rests with the Prime Minister.