Universität DeVry

Die DeVry University ist eine private Universität mit Campus in den Vereinigten Staaten. Ihre Hauptstudiengänge sind Betriebswirtschaft, Computertechnik, Elektrotechnik, Netzwerkkommunikationsmanagement und andere technologiebezogene Studiengänge.

Die Universität arbeitet nach einem Trimester-Kursplan, und bei Vollzeitstudium kann eine Person innerhalb von drei Jahren oder weniger einen Bachelor-Abschluss erreichen.

Fragen und Antworten

Q: What is DeVry University?

A: DeVry University is a private university with campuses in the United States.

Q: What are the main programs of study at DeVry University?

A: The main programs of study at DeVry University are business administration, computer engineering, electrical engineering, network communication management, and other technology related studies.

Q: How does DeVry University's course schedule work?

A: DeVry University operates on a trimester course schedule.

Q: How long does it take to graduate from DeVry University if taken full-time?

A: If taken full-time, a person can graduate with a bachelor's degree in three years or less from DeVry University.

Q: Is DeVry University only located in one area of the United States?

A: No, DeVry University has campuses in multiple locations throughout the United States.

Q: What is the main focus of DeVry University's programs of study?

A: The main focus of DeVry University's programs of study is on technology and business administration.

Q: How does DeVry University differ from other universities in terms of the length of time it takes to earn a bachelor's degree?

A: DeVry University differs from other universities in that if taken full-time, a person can graduate with a bachelor's degree in three years or less.

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