Division von Pearce
Die Division of Pearce ist eine australische Wahldivision im Bundesstaat Westaustralien. Sie umfasst das Gebiet nördlich und östlich von Perth. Sie umfasst die Städte Gingin, Mundaring, Mount Helena, Chidlow, Northam, York, Yanchep, Brookton, Pingelly und Narrogin. Benannt ist sie nach Rt Hon Sir George Pearce, einem Gründer der Australian Labor Party in Westaustralien und dem dienstältesten Mitglied des australischen Senats. Er wurde für die Bundeswahl 1990 eingerichtet.

George Pearce im Jahr 1901
Mitglied | Partei | Begriff | |
| Fred Chaney | Liberale | 1990–1993 |
| Judi Moylan | Liberale | 1993–2013 |
| Christlicher Portier | Liberale | 2013-heute |
Fred Chaney war Mitglied des australischen Senats, Kabinettsminister in der Regierung Fraser und stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Liberalen Partei. Judi Moylan war Ministerin in der Regierung Howard.
- Wahlergebnisse 2004
- Wahlergebnisse 2007
- Wahlergebnisse 2010
- Wahlergebnisse 2013
Fragen und Antworten
Q: What is the Division of Pearce?
A: It is an Australian electoral division located in Western Australia.
Q: What location does the Division of Pearce cover?
A: It covers the northern and eastern areas of Perth, including towns such as Gingin, Mundaring, Mount Helena, Chidlow, Northam, York, Yanchep, Brookton, Pingelly, and Narrogin.
Q: Who is the Division of Pearce named after?
A: It is named after Rt Hon Sir George Pearce, a founder of the Australian Labor Party in Western Australia, and the longest-serving member of the Australian Senate.
Q: When was the Division of Pearce established?
A: It was set up for the 1990 federal election.
Q: Is the Division of Pearce located in New South Wales?
A: No, it is located in the state of Western Australia.
Q: What is the significance of Sir George Pearce in Australian politics?
A: Sir George Pearce was a founder of the Australian Labor Party in Western Australia and the longest-serving member of the Australian Senate, making him a prominent figure in Australian politics.
Q: What towns are included in the Division of Pearce?
A: The towns included in the division are Gingin, Mundaring, Mount Helena, Chidlow, Northam, York, Yanchep, Brookton, Pingelly, and Narrogin.