Abteilung von Robertson
Die Division of Robertson ist eine australische Wahldivision im Bundesstaat New South Wales. Sie war eine der 75 Abteilungen, die für die ersten Bundeswahlen 1901 eingerichtet wurden. Sie wurde nach Sir John Robertson, dem fünften Premierminister von Neusüdwales, benannt.
Die Division befindet sich an der Küste nördlich des Hawkesbury River. Sie umfasst die Städte Woy Woy, Gosford und Terrigal.

Sir John Robertson
Mitglied | Partei | Begriff | |
| Henry Willis | 1901–1909 | |
| 1909–1910 | ||
| William Johnson | 1910–1913 | |
| William Fleming | 1913–1917 | |
| 1917–1921 | ||
| Land | 1921–1922 | |
| Sydney Gardner | 1922–1931 | |
| Vereinigtes Australien | 1931–1940 | |
| Eric Spooner | Vereinigtes Australien | 1940–1943 |
| Thomas Williams | 1943–1949 | |
| Roger Dean | Liberale | 1949–1964 |
| William Bridges-Maxwell | Liberale | 1964–1969 |
| Barry Cohen | 1969–1990 | |
| Frank Walker | 1990–1996 | |
| Jim Lloyd | Liberale | 1996–2007 |
| Belinda Neal | 2007–2010 | |
| Deborah O'Neill | 2010–2013 | |
| Lucy Wicks | Liberale | 2013-heute |
Roger Dean trat 1964 zurück, um Verwalter des Northern Territory zu werden. Barry Cohen war von 1983 bis 1984 Innen- und Umweltminister und dann bis 1987 in der Regierung Hawke Minister für Kunst, Kulturerbe und Umwelt.
- Wahlergebnisse 2004
- Wahlergebnisse 2007
- Wahlergebnisse 2010
- Wahlergebnisse 2013
Fragen und Antworten
Q: What is the Division of Robertson?
A: The Division of Robertson is an Australian electoral division located in the state of New South Wales.
Q: When was the Division of Robertson established?
A: The Division of Robertson was established for the first federal election in 1901.
Q: Who was the Division of Robertson named after?
A: The Division of Robertson was named after Sir John Robertson, the fifth Premier of New South Wales.
Q: Where is the Division of Robertson located?
A: The Division of Robertson is located on the coast north of the Hawkesbury River in New South Wales.
Q: What are some towns that are included in the Division of Robertson?
A: Some towns that are included in the Division of Robertson are Woy Woy, Gosford, and Terrigal.
Q: How many electoral divisions were set up for the first federal election in Australia?
A: 75 electoral divisions were set up for the first federal election in Australia.
Q: Is the Division of Robertson located on the coast or inland?
A: The Division of Robertson is located on the coast north of the Hawkesbury River in New South Wales.