Division von Eden-Monaro
Die Division von Eden-Monaro ist eine australische Wahldivision in Neusüdwales. Sie war eine der 75 Divisionen, die bei den ersten Bundeswahlen 1901 eingerichtet wurden. Sie ist nach der Stadt Eden und dem Bezirk Monaro im südlichen Neusüdwales benannt. Sie umfasst Batemans Bay, Bega, Cooma und Queanbeyan.
Seit 1972 wurde die Division immer von der Partei gewonnen, die bei den Wahlen die Regierung gewinnt. Sie wird von den Medien genau beobachtet, wenn sie versucht, das Ergebnis einer Wahl zu ermitteln.

Der Hafen in Eden, New South Wales
Mitglied | Partei | Begriff | |
| (Sir) Austin Chapman | 1901–1909 | |
| 1909–1917 | ||
| 1917–1926 | ||
| John Perkins | 1926–1929 | |
| John Cusack | 1929–1931 | |
| John Perkins | Vereinigtes Australien | 1931–1943 |
| Allan Fraser | 1943–1966 | |
| Dugald Munro | Liberale | 1966–1969 |
| Allan Fraser | 1969–1972 | |
| Bob Whan | 1972–1975 | |
| Murray Sainsbury | Liberale | 1975–1983 |
| Jim Schnee | 1983–1996 | |
| Gary Nairn | Liberale | 1996–2007 |
| Mike Kelly | 2007–2013 | |
| Peter Hendy | Liberale | 2013–2016 |
- Wahlergebnisse 2004
- Wahlergebnisse 2007
- Wahlergebnisse 2010
- Wahlergebnisse 2013
Nach dem Tod des amtierenden Mitglieds Sir Austin Chapman gab es 1926 in Eden-Monaro eine Nachwahl.
Fragen und Antworten
Q: What is the Division of Eden-Monaro?
A: The Division of Eden-Monaro is an Australian electoral division in New South Wales.
Q: When was the Division of Eden-Monaro set up?
A: The Division of Eden-Monaro was set up for the first federal election in Australia in 1901.
Q: Who is the Division of Eden-Monaro named after?
A: The Division of Eden-Monaro is named for the town of Eden and the Monaro district of southern New South Wales.
Q: What are some of the cities and towns within the Division of Eden-Monaro?
A: Some of the cities and towns within the Division of Eden-Monaro are Batemans Bay, Bega, Cooma and Queanbeyan.
Q: How long has the Division of Eden-Monaro been won by the party that wins government in the elections?
A: Since 1972, the Division of Eden-Monaro has always been won by the party that wins government in the elections.
Q: Why is the Division of Eden-Monaro closely watched by the media?
A: The Division of Eden-Monaro is closely watched by the media when trying to pick the results of an election because it has a history of going to the winning party in the elections.
Q: What does the Division of Eden-Monaro encompass?
A: The Division of Eden-Monaro encompasses the town of Eden and the Monaro district of southern New South Wales, as well as cities and towns such as Batemans Bay, Bega, Cooma and Queanbeyan.